

An effective risk management framework provides executive management and the Board with assurance that major organisational risks are identified and appropriately managed. Risk is essential to business. All organisations face uncertainty and challenge and as such are exposed to a certain degree of risk. Risks, depending on how they are addressed, can either erode or enhance the value of your organisation. Enterprise risk management can be used as a process to evaluate and monitor such risks, by assessing opportunities and strengths against limitations and weakness, to enable the organisation to make decisions in a transparent and effective manner.

• The QA risk management provide clients with specialist advice to develop a risk management strategy, identify and prioritise risks, raise risk awareness and ultimately achieve greater assurance over the management of organisational risks. Recognising that there is no “one size fits all” solution, the QA team work closely with our clients to address their needs based on multiple factors including risk appetite, risk profile, objectives, size, level of maturity, and management style.Our team includes qualified accountants, internal auditors, and specialist consultants with experience in enterprise risk management, governance, and performance who are accredited by the Institute of Management Consultants and Advisers.

QA can assist organisations by;

• Developing risk management frameworks to embed risk management including risk management policies, procedures and supporting tools

• Facilitating risk identification and quantification

• Supporting the preparation of enterprise risk registers and action plans

• Risk management communication, training and mentoring

• Benchmarking progress on risk management to support a continuous improvement agenda

• Specialist risk review

Risk Management

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Corporate Governance

Internal Control